Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good for you-- you checked the blog!

You get a gold star for the day. Actually, your reward will be even greater, as you'll probably score 100% on the quiz tomorrow.

So, what happened this week?

  • Remember that local project we talked about? Looks like it's $28 million closer to becoming a reality.
  • If you've been paying attention to Thirteen Days, then you might be a bit worried by the claims Hugo Chavez is making.
  • In sad news, four U.S. service members were killed on Saturday.
  • In a rare move, Cuba moves a wee bit further towards capitalism by granting these licenses for the first time in over a decade.

1 comment:

  1. i really really like the movie we're watching in class. it really makes it easier to understand the Cuban Missile Crisis.
    --Cassidy Deutsch Pd.3
