Monday, January 26, 2009

Ugh! Bloody Monday...

Well this is disheartening... between Home Depot, Sprint/Nextel, John Deere, and others, a combined
50,000 jobs were lost today. Yup, you read that correctly-- fifty thousand.

In better news (sorta?) you don't have any Modern World homework tonight, unless you didn't finish reading Chapter 17, Section 5 (The End of WWII). Tomorrow we'll pick up where we left off with notes for that section.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week of January 19th, 2009.

What a week it's been!

  • On Tuesday, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. There was a bit of a mix-up, though, and he was sworn in again on Wednesday (just to be sure!)
  • The first 100 days of a Presidency is key. Obama has already signed an order to close this place within a year's time.
  • The Sri Lankan army is close to defeating an ethnic rebel army after years of fighting.
  • Israel announces it will defend military officers if they are accused of war crimes during this incursion.
  • The Academy Award nominees were announced, and for the second time in the history of the Oscars an actor was nominated posthumously.
  • Americans' love of this food item makes the latest salmonella outbreak rather tricky to trace.
Don't forget to read the news-- tomorrow is your first current events quiz!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Welcome to Modern World!

Today in class, we:

  • distributed textbooks
  • took a Modern World "pre-test"
  • started reading Chapter 21, Section 5 (The End of WWII)

For Monday, you must:

  • Read the news! The current events quiz on Monday will be worth 6 points and will focus mainly international and national news stories (in other words, not too much "local" news).
  • Cover your textbook and bring it to class, along with your 3-ring binder.
  • Finish reading The End of WWII and be familiar with the key terms.

Have a good weekend!

~Miss S.