Sunday, March 29, 2009

Read up! Current events quiz tomorrow...

  • Thousands of people are converging in London to protest next week's G-20 summit.
  • Rapper T.I. was sentenced this week.
  • Lights dimmed in 2,800 cities across the globe to observe Earth hour.
  • The U.S. navy is deploying ships to the Sea of Japan in preparation for North Korea's upcoming rocket launch.
  • A former Khmer Rouge leader is going on trial this week for war crimes committed during the war in Southeast Asia.
  • The skyscraper going in where the former World Trade Centers once stood got a name change.
  • FDR's New Deal is receiving a bit of criticism from revisionists.
  • Saturday marked the 30th anniversary of the accident at TMI (and I don't mean "Too Much Information".)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Current Events Quiz Tomorrow!

  • President Obama appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno this week and regrettably compared his bowling skills to those of someone in the Special Olympics.
  • The President also sent a videotaped message of goodwill to one of the "axis of evil" nations.
  • Police in China detained 95 who attacked a police station in Western China. The monks claimed to be protesting for independence of this country .
  • A gunman in this U.S. city shot and killed three police officers after being pulled over for a routine traffic violation.
  • This Pittsburgh celebrity was officially named as the U.S. Ambassador to Ireland, fittingly, on St. Patrick's Day.
  • Violence in this middle-eastern nation is seeing violence at an all-time high since the intervention of U.S. troops in 2001.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What in the world?...

  • China claims that a U.S. ship violated Chinese and international laws.

  • The Iraqi journalist shoe-thrower received his sentence.

  • Mass shootings took place just hours apart in Alabama and Germany.

  • President Obama reversed the stem-cell funding laws previously set by President Bush.

  • Historians at the Smithsonian opened President Lincoln's watch and found a secret message engraved on the inside.

  • Three foreign U.N. employees were kidnapped in Somalia.

PSSAs Week

On Monday, we will have a guest coming to speak with us about an opportunity with Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week.

On Tuesday, we will have this week's current event quiz and then continue with our notes on the Vietnam conflict. Wednesday will be the time to go over the Vietnam Key Terms that we may have missed in earlier lectures. Homework for Wednesday night will be to read Chapter 18, Section 4 in the book (about the fall of the Soviet Union) and define the Key Terms in your notebook. We will review this information on Thursday and take some supplementary notes.

On Friday we will play a game to prepare us for the 60-point Cold War Unit Exam that will be given on Tuesday of next week (March 24th.)

Good luck with PSSAs!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Have you paid attention to the news?

  • A Turkish Airlines plan split apart after slamming into a field near a runway here.
  • Outbreaks of violence have plagued this country in the past two months due to drug cartel wars: (watch video here.)
  • Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has ordered troops to take over plants that produce this because the previous producers were ignoring government-set prices.
  • A pair of twins conjoined at the abdomen were successfully separated in this part of the world.
  • Cuba is waiting and watching to see if Obama will act to reverse the embargo. (<---Read this article in its entirety, as most of the information will be familiar to you based on our class discussions and readings on the Bay of Pigs, etc...)

Cultural Experience NYC Trip Countdown: 7 Days!

For those of you attending next week's trip to New York City, I have attached a slideshow full of wonderful information. Many thanks to Mr. Bertani for creating this presentation!

Parents: the contact information for the hotel is included in the first slide.