Monday, March 16, 2009

What in the world?...

  • China claims that a U.S. ship violated Chinese and international laws.

  • The Iraqi journalist shoe-thrower received his sentence.

  • Mass shootings took place just hours apart in Alabama and Germany.

  • President Obama reversed the stem-cell funding laws previously set by President Bush.

  • Historians at the Smithsonian opened President Lincoln's watch and found a secret message engraved on the inside.

  • Three foreign U.N. employees were kidnapped in Somalia.


  1. I am so pleased that President Obama reversed the stem cell research laws. It will open many doors to help people understand from a scientific perspective how great stem cell research is. . .Oh and love the St Patrick's Day Picture.

  2. The shoe thrower deserves all he can get!!!!! What an Idiot.Zachary Zellers Pd.1
